If you want a XXXX@rgclan.net email, send Itch a message with your pick of a name, and a password you want to use.
You can access accounts created here through https://webmail.nfoservers.com or through an external email client.
If you wish to connect with an external client,
Use either IMAP or POP3 to receive mail, having your client connect to mail.nfoservers.com using the default port. IMAP is recommended; if you use it, set the root folder path to "INBOX". The username is the full email address.
For sending mail, also use mail.nfoservers.com, and turn on SMTP authentication, using the same username and password. Make sure that the connection port is configured to 587.
Note that we do not allow automated emails through mail.nfoservers.com. To send automated emails, you must use the webhosting machine or an external email services provider. All our webhosting machines have a local mail server.